Sunday, September 9, 2012

Best of...Worst of...Week 4

Best: Pineview with the kids and their friends, Another Brave victory, FaceTime with Sharla, taking Lucy for Chinese food at Panda and her saying it is nothing like what they have in China (including the fortune cookie she had never seen), the weather
Worst: Tanner's coach not subbing yesterday, feeling bad that Mason quite football (even though he doesn't care), Rachelle's stressful work week
Best: Pineview, school starting, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
Worst: too much work at work, Tanner's mood-swings!
Best: winning our football game and getting sweet revenge against East, Pineview
Worst: not going to the ocean (Pineview isn't quite the same)
Best: Playing with Blanchards on Sunday
Worst: so many gymnastics injuries

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I love the bests and worsts!