Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just because I can

I love riding the bus to work. Sometimes, like this morning, the bus has wifi. Driving to work and blogging. Nice.

Sunday we took Joe's mom on the Alpine loop. It was BEAUTIFUL! (Yes, I want to shout that.). We stopped at Casade Springs to walk around and eat lunch. The boys even enjoyed the excursion because as Mason said "at least with Grandma coming you can't make us hike very far!".

I am loving fall.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Best of...Worst of Weeks 5 and 6

I did them last week, just never got them posted.  Two weeks for the price of one.  Enjoy!

Week Five
Mason-Best: Tanner having a great football game, Worst: Brigham City Temple open house because it was pretty boring
Tanner-Best: winning my football game against Taylorsville, Worst: Brigham City Temple open house, BYU losing:(
Rachelle-Best: running (if you can call it that) City Creek Canyon with Shannon, grocery shopping with Lucy at Costco, presentation going well on Thursday, serving hotdogs at the Muir Carnival with Dit, sacrament meeting, Worst: fighting with the kids about going to the temple open house, driving to South Jordan for a wedding reception on Saturday that took place on Friday, no one taking my "pay-it-forward" dollar at work on Friday
Joe-Best: $1300 Friday at the Dry Cleaner!, reading an email from Max, Rachelle doing well on her presentation, T emple open house, another Brave victory for Tanner's football team, Worst: Buyers unable to get financing to buy the business
Week 6

Joe: Best-Tanner getting to play defense for the whole second half and getting all of his blocks, getting the wood floors revarnished, Another Beave victory, playing catch with Mason, Ra's class going well, driving Alpine loop with Grandma Reid to see Fall colors. Worst-boiler check valve not working properly, getting eaten alive
Tanner-best-getting to play defense and winning our football game, wedding reception carnival on Saturday, playing pass with Daddy in the backyard.worst-having to go see Fall colors
Mason-best-Lincoln Ferrin's b-day party, playing pass with Daddy in the backyard-worst-missing the carnival while I was at the b-day party.
Rachelle-best-successful course, hike with Melanie, Lucy, and Maren, Joe doing so much at home, Jana bringing zuchinni bread. Worst- strep throat, 5 12-hour work days, being good for nothing at home

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Colors

This morning I escaped early with Melanie, Lucy, and Maren and enjoyed a beautiful hike above Farmington cemetery (I can't remember the name of the trail, duh). The hike was amazing and the fall colors were majestic. We made it to three waterfalls and past Christmas tree lane. What an amazing reprieve practically next door.

Oh course the photos do not do justice! Get out and see them for yourself.

Braves 4-0

41-0 versus Murray

Another shut out. During the second half Tanner got to play defense and did a great job. I am so proud of his hard work and dedication. I know he isn't the star, but I love that he does his part for the team. Keep it up Tanner!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Avert your eyes

This is quite possibly the most disgusting picture ever. It is no wonder I have had a crappy week! Pray for the penicillin...I still have a 3-day course to lead this week:/

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Braves 3-0


The first score didn't come until the last play of the first half. I don't think there was a fan on the sidelines who was sitting down.

Great job Braves!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Brigham City Temple Open House

We made it just under the gun. Lucy and Yi were not able to come with us and that was disappointing.

What a beautiful building; soon to be dedicated as a house of the Lord here on earth. What a blessing to have so many peaceful escapes dotting our valley!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pay it Forward

I just walked into the breakroom to refill my water and found this note taped to the vending machine with a $1 bill. Made my day and I look forward to paying it forward when I have something besides receipts in my wallet.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Best of...Worst of...Week 4

Best: Pineview with the kids and their friends, Another Brave victory, FaceTime with Sharla, taking Lucy for Chinese food at Panda and her saying it is nothing like what they have in China (including the fortune cookie she had never seen), the weather
Worst: Tanner's coach not subbing yesterday, feeling bad that Mason quite football (even though he doesn't care), Rachelle's stressful work week
Best: Pineview, school starting, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
Worst: too much work at work, Tanner's mood-swings!
Best: winning our football game and getting sweet revenge against East, Pineview
Worst: not going to the ocean (Pineview isn't quite the same)
Best: Playing with Blanchards on Sunday
Worst: so many gymnastics injuries

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Braves 2-0

33-0!!!!! Shut-out

This victory was especially sweet as the boys had revenge on their mind. They clearly took no prisoners and defeated East, the team who handed them their only defeat last season!!!

Prior to the start of the second half, a team mom lead the boys in Zumba. It was so fun to watch the boys get into it and even better to watch the opponents stare with gaping mouth:)

Go Braves!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Growing up

Someone needs new pajama pants. I wonder what else doesn't fit?!?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day of School

Can't believe it finally came! Hope it's a GREAT year ;-)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Lounging (a nicer word for lazy)

You only have 15 more hours...

Last Summer Hurrah!

We took advantage of my day off and lots of sunshine to head up to Pine View. We weren't the only one with such a bright idea; there were boats everywhere!

We went to the same beach we had been to earlier in the summer and were shocked to find the shoreline 50 yards lower. We floated, swam, ate Blow-Pops and had a great time.

Farewell Summer:(

(Check out Mason's flip! That kid is crazy...)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Best of...Worst of...Week 3

Best-Tanner having a great football game and winning 49-12, Antelope Island, Garr Ranch, and meeting Lyle
Worst-Mason being sick, ValPak offer coming in really low
Best-getting all of the peaches canned in one day, thunder and lightening storm and them a beautiful rainbow on Antelope Island, staff retreat and hike at Brighton
Worst-walking the dog on Friday morning and finding the man on the lawn
Best-winning our football game against Tooele, learning Zumba at football practice, football party at Josh Jensen's pool
Worst-Madon being cranky after his allergy shot while we were playing stuffed animal football
Best-going with Spencer to the Rec Center
Worst- allergy shot, being sick and throwing up

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Braves 1-0


We made the trek to Tooele and miraculously, all of the storms that were across the valley didn't rear their ugly head during our game.

Tanner is #80 this year and had a great game on kick-off, kick-off return, punt, and punt return teams, and as tight end and outside linebacker!

Go Braves!

A face from the past

He looks the same, just wearing a brown uniform instead of a red one. It was fun to run into Lyle Clayton at Garr Ranch on Antelope Island. We went for the Stampede and enjoyed that...and a whole lot more.

It is so great to have Lucy; we would never have done this without her!