Monday, August 27, 2012

Can you guess?

It's more than just a pretty picture...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Best of...Worst of (Weeks 1 & 2)

Anyone who has traveled with my mom knows of this tradition. She religiously keeps a daily log of events and at the end of each day asks for the best of the day and the worst of the day.

Don't worry. I will just do the best if each week...

Week one (8/11-8/18)
Best- warm water at Bear Lake
Worst- going to Bear Lake for only one day and not owning a boat or jet ski.

Best- enjoying everyday activities through the eyes of Lucy and Yi (I could not believe the pure joy they had on their faces when they walked into the baseball game!!)

Best-Bear Lake, also, learning how to do a round-off-back-handspring.
Worst-landing on my butt while doing round-off-back-handsprings!!

Worst-smoke from forest fires, you couldn't even see the mountains on the other side of bear lake, and the lake didn't look blue
Best: verbal job offer from Val Pak! enjoying a honeymoon period with Lucy and Yi (sharing so many activities with our new family)

Week Two (8/19-8/25)
Best-my football game and Lucy's fried rice
Worst-when Mason ran away and scared my half to death

Best- getting to play with Lincoln Ferrin
Worst-not getting to play with Lincoln Ferrin for very long

Best-Joe's gourmet BBQ hamburger on Saturday evening with Lester's, Lucy, and Yi (the carrot cake and baked beans weren't too shabby either), learning about Diane's new job in Hawaii, good first day of class at the U
Worst-Mason dissappearing after Saturday's BBQ and all that followed

Best-Tanner's team winning their first scrimmage and Tanner being named to starting tight-end, Mason doing a roundoff back handsprings (4 in a row) Worst-Yi leaving :-(

4th Sunday 1/18

I can't figure out how to post pictures online (I think it may be related to an old laptop) but maybe I can do it with my phone.

We had our first, of maybe 18, 4th Sunday dinners without Mom and Dad. Dit, as always, was a "hostess-extrordinaire". We had yummy pasta, salad, and bread with cookies and brownies for dessert. The kids were happy to see each other and the adults enjoyed visiting. That said, I didn't even get through the blessing on the food without crying.

I know that my mom and dad are doing the right thing, setting the right example, and sharing the right message.

Despite that, somehow, tonight didnt seem quite right :(

Winding wind up

Yet another week has passed. We have managed to keep very busy this week with football, Pack Meeting, Court of Honor, Relief Society Garden Party, more football, yard work, house work, and other work. The kids seem to be excited to start school, especially Mason. He is social and ready to get back to his friends. Tanner must have a better idea of what is in store. He isn’t as excited.

After our Relief Society Garden Party on Tuesday, we delivered Yi to the West’s home. We were sad to drop her off but her and Lucy both agreed that having a bit more space and privacy would be better. Yi returned to enjoy Pack Meeting with us on Wednesday and a BBQ with our friends on Saturday.

Lucy continues to spoil us with her kindness and generosity. She made yummy dinner for us on Friday (Chinese soup, rice, vegetables and shrimp) and we came home from church to delicious fried rice. She brought such a sweet and calming influence into our home. We need that. I hope we are giving her back a portion of what we are getting.

Tanner had his first football scrimmage this week. His team won and he played well. It is fun to see him in his new positions and will be fun to watch him continue to improve over the rest of the season. I sort of got used to him doing much of nothing last year on the offensive line. I am not sure that will be the case as much this year. It all depends on which Tanner shows up. When he wants it, that kid can do anything. When he doesn’t want it, don’t even bother because that same determination shows up.

Still can’t figure out the picture thing. Oh well. We aren’t that cute anyway.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Half a World Away

Blogging is not like riding a bike.  I can’t remember how to post pictures so all I can offer are words.  The saying is that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  I will spare you and use a few less.
One week ago, my mom and dad left to serve a mission for 18 months “Down Under”.  My parents are like no other.  They are intimately involved in the lives of 12 adult children (including “in-law” types) and 23 grandchildren.  They attend concerts, recitals, games, award ceremonies, school programs, and on and on.  In their place remains an enormous abyss.  It will require extraordinary effort on the part of 12 adult children to fill that void with the love and support and friendship that we are so used to.        
Joe says there are no coincidences.  I agree with him.  I think everything happens for a reason.   Just 10 short days before my parents leaving, I responded to an email plea to host one of two Chinese language teachers for the school year.  After reading the email, I felt an urgent need to volunteer my home.  I thought I felt urgency because I am surrounded by kind and gracious neighbors.  I didn’t want them to beat me to the punch.  I am so glad I listened. 
The very Saturday my parents embarked on their journey halfway across the world was the very day we welcomed two women into our home, also from halfway across the world.  We will have Lucy living with us until the end of the school year and Yi will be joining her host family later this week.  We have had a week full of learning and sharing and loving. 
We have shared an Eagle Scout Court of Honor (Congratulations Max!  Thanks for setting such a good example for all or your younger nephews), a football scrimmage (Go Braves!), a one-night get-away to Bear Lake including swimming, smoky views, and Tiny Spicy Chicken, a birthday (Happy Birthday Joe!), and a Bee’s game (complete with fireworks).  We are eager to share so much more! 
Lucy and Yi have shared gifts (key chains, chop sticks, hackey sacs), their language (the kids are getting is much quicker than the adults), their cooking (noodles, fried rice (our favorite so far), soup), hard work (our dishes have never been so clean), and love.  They bought yummy dinner, treats at the baseball game and also arranged for a cake (complete with Chinese characters) for Joe’s birthday.  They have cheered Mason as he learned how to do round off back handsprings (on the ground) and celebrated with Tanner as his defense dominated during football scrimmage.  They have laughed at all of Joe’s jokes and endlessly pitched in around the house. 
I have no doubt that what we are doing will abundantly bless our lives, far beyond what we are giving.  I also have no doubt the same thing is true for my mom and dad.  Half a world away, we will be together as we learn to love a people we know very little about.    

Saturday, August 18, 2012

One Week Down

A few weeks ago I posted the following ad:

Wanted: Weekly Long-run Running Partner
Minimum Qualifications: 9-10 mile per hour pace, occasional interval training, available Saturday mornings between 6 am and 10 am
Preferred Qualifications: Downhill, pacing expertise, Route planner (this includes where to begin, where to go, how far to go, and highlights along the course), Flexible with rest stops (some may need to be lengthy, Port-a-potty radar…just in case, Run nourishment (to include slushy Gatorade, clementine’s, caffeine gummies, shot bloks, and additional beverage refills during extra-long runs), Transportation home from downhill run’s, Ability to measure distance, elevation, and pace, Counseling expertise topics to include marriage, family, adolescent children, work relationships, dieting, academic challenges, and church callings, “Lip Stuff” always available, Kleenex/Toilet paper always handy, Nerve to stand up to bikers, runners, gliders, and others who invade personal running route, Race/Event planner (this includes identification of event, registration, coordination and travel, and training schedule leading up to the event), Positive attitude despite occasional less than ideal conditions (heat, cold, rain, sleet, snow, traffic, wind, rodents, injury, multiple bathroom stops)
Pay: Sore muscles, Sweaty, stinky clothes, Occasional chaffing, Thousands of priceless memories!!!

Unfortunately for me, I have yet to find a qualified candidate. Instead, I ran today with a partner whose resume might look like this: eagerly available night and day, willing to drink gutter water, can stay near by (within 10 feet, if on a leash), prefers multiple stops, must have several small bags available.

Star, as much as I love her, is not quite living up to the running partner I have had for the last 8 years. I will work on training her to fill a few more of the qualifications I desire, but I think she will always fall short.