Sunday, October 5, 2014


It hadn't been easy, and it isn't over yet, but we have grass.  As we speak, Tanner and Joe are playing catch on our new lawn.  Starr is lounging.  I am smiling.

Grass.  Still need to add edging, bury the sprinklers, and extend the wall on the far side.

Just a few days ago.  Not a lot of work to throw sod (Joe did it all) but a HUGE difference.

Wall drama.  Yikes, it collapsed!

The beginning...a loooong time ago.

A lot of dirt (over 100 yards, one wheel barrow at a time), one dozen palettes of 55-lb blocks, several truck loads of gravel, hours and hours of sweat and work, lots of HOA discussions and now we have a backyard.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Loose Change

I couldn't resist documenting Mason's first encounter with a pay-phone.  Wow I'm getting old.
Yes, his teeth are blue.  He picked a sucker after his allergy shot.