Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas Party

The annual Fillmore Family Christmas Party was held two days before Christmas and it was an awesome time. We started with Humanitarian projects, Rice Krispie House decorated and scooters. (We have such a big crowd we always have the party at my mom's school and the kids love playing in the gym.) Then we headed to the library for the talent show then back to the gym for dinner, the nativity, gift exchange and basketball. The highlight, although I don't have pictures, is always Dave in his pink tutu, doing his imitation of ice skating on roller blades. It started after the 2004 winter olympics and has only gotten better. This year he had a partner, his son Evan, and so it was introduced as "Couples Skating". The music was the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker. HILARIOUS.

The Nativity this year was better than last. I guess as kids get older, they start to "get it". Tanner would only participate if he could be King Herod. So he was and a great job he did. Mason was the best looking wiseman of the bunch (in my opinion of course).

I love Christmas and I love Christmas with family even more. How lucky to be surrounded by people that I didn't choose but that I love deeply.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

GREAT Grandpa

104 years and one month is quite an accomplishment. Grandpa Fillmore passed away on Friday evening at his home. What an amazing legacy he leaves behind and what a joyful reunion he has in store with the many loved ones who have gone on before him.

I can't imagine living through all of the events and changes and challenges and trials you would be faced with by simply living as long as Grandpa did.

We will miss the trips to the farm, the birthday cards full of treasured advice and wisdom, and the unconditional love. Even at 104 he knew and loved each of us.

We love you GREAT Grandpa!!!

Equal Time

And, just because this is so fun and to give the big brother equal time, here is Tanner after demolishing the pinata at our family Halloween Party. He was dressed up as an "Army Guy". He was very opposed to dressing up as anything but since army guys carry pocket knifes (not to school, mind you), he thought this was okay.

Trying again

I love blog-stocking and am going to try my hand at this again so I am not just a parasite.

Mason is obsessed with his "Pet Animals". Here is a recent picture of him. He had very meticulously linned up his animals so they completely surrounded him. What a character.